Environmental Impact: Coral Bleaching

Killing our Ocean through Coral Bleaching

Coral Reefs are one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world and are only found in a select few regions. They are also one of the most valuable to external threats. With rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification (when the ocean absorbs too much carbon dioxide) these precious ecosystems are in danger.

Corals relationship with Algae:

Despite their static nature the corals are very much alive. There is a symbiotic relationship between the coral and the microscopic algae called zooxanthellae. National Ocean Service (NOAA) The algae is the corals' main food source and the algae is provide a shelter. This is called a mutualism relationship where both organisms benefit from the relationship. The algae also give the corals their vibrant colors. When the algae leave their habitat niche they leave the coral causing bleaching. The coral becomes more vulnerable to disease and then will eventually die.

Why does this matter?

Coral Reefs provide shelter to aquatic wildlife of many different varieties. Some of the most unique wildlife that are only found in Coral Reefs live there. One example is Parrot fish that require the coral itself for food. The rock-like formations the coral form create a great spawning area for many different fish. Many predators are unable to access these tight spaces.

It also affects us. The removal of coral through bleaching will affect the fishing industries by removing the area fish spawn and grown up. Coral Reefs also help reduce the impact of tide waves creating a natural sea wall. This can help protect our coast from rough weather such as large sea storms. They also are a huge tourist attraction which bring in billions of dollars every year worldwide. WWF.

How sensitive Coral is:

"A temperature increase of just one degree Celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching."

"During bleaching corals become transparent, revealing their white skeletons."

"Changes in water quality, increased sun exposure and extreme low tides can also cause corals to bleach."

"Rising ocean temperatures caused by climate change is the primary cause of coral bleaching."

Quotes from Great Barrier Reef Foundation

How we can help:

Coral Reefs are some of the beautiful ecosystems in the world and biodiversity is through the roof. There is life everywhere you look. There are turtles, nurse shark, starfish, and fish in every nook and cranny. Unfortunately they will be one of the first to go and less we take action.

A few ways we can help:

Participate in beach clean ups.

Use reef safe sunscreen or no sunscreen when visiting a reef.

Don't use fertilizers in coastal regions.

Dispose of trash in the proper location.

Donate to reef restorations.

Spread the word about Coral Reefs.


  1. Hey Joe, I like that you are brining up the bleaching of coral reefs, and how in recent years they are getting destroyed due to the increase temperature of the water, and also explaing why these coral reefs are important for aquatic species. As well as bringing up ways that we can help reduce the destruction of the coral reefs.

  2. This is not a very highly discussed topic and I believe that you explained and taught it perfectly! This inclusion of why it matters was really eye opening especially how this underwater issue is affecting us.

  3. I truly like how your post presented doable strategies to support coral reef conservation. Knowing that individuals can make a difference by taking practical steps like using sunscreen that is safe for reefs and taking part in beach clean-ups is empowering for people. The severity of the problem is made clear by your detailed description of the symbiotic relationship between corals and algae as well as the wider ramifications of coral bleaching. Well done for increasing awareness and offering practical solutions!

  4. Coral reefs are some of the most fascinating ecosystems on Earth, don’t you think? It’s amazing how their partnership with algae not only gives them their vibrant colors but also sustains so much marine life. With threats like bleaching and rising ocean temperatures, it’s clear we need to step up to protect them. What do you think is the most effective way we can help coral reefs thrive?

  5. This post breaks my heart, one of the many joys in my life was getting to scuba dive and see coral reefs and how beautiful and essential they are to the environment. Seeing them be stripped of color and dead is so saddening. I hope that someday soon we will be able to reverse these effects in our oceans and on land.

  6. This was well written and an important topic to discuss on. Coral reefs are such an important piece in the web of lives undersea and above. It seems as if nothing will get through to people that this is serious, not even a teeming ecosystem being reduced to nothing.

  7. I really liked your incorporation of an infographic in this post, I feel like it really helped illustrate the transformation you explain, especially with the side-by-side comparisons you include. Its far too easy for the "after" of climate change to just be accepted without a point of reference to truly see how drastically things are changing.

  8. Thank you for including ways that we can assist in preserving the coral reefs, its very disheartening to think about the fact that such a wonderful and important ecosystem has been severely damaged by the impacts humankind have had on the world.

  9. Hey Joe,
    I really liked how you included realistic actions that anyone can take to contribute to protecting coral reefs, it can be a bit depressing to read about tragic losses to our environment without any direction on what I can do to help. The NOAA does a really great job on reporting about coral bleaching and their infographics are super helpful. Through past courses I've learned that they also have programs in place to help combat coral bleaching such as coral nurseries to reintroduce healthy coral to vulnerable reefs.

  10. Another issue stemming from the loss of biodiversity in coral regions is that many people who live in these coastal regions rely on fish as their main source of food. This ecosystem destruction leads to the starvation of the people that rely on it.

  11. I had no idea about the mutualistic symbiotic relationship between algae and coral. I like that you gave statistics to emphasize the sensitivity of coral and why it is also important to pay attention to the marine life that we can't always see that is affected by global warming.

  12. I feel like coral bleaching, though sometimes discussed, often gets lost in the conversation of climate change. I appreciate that you discussed not only how coral bleaching affects us, but also how it affects other species and organisms, which is something that I think more people need to consider within the climate crisis.

  13. I am a scuba diver and I feel quite strongly about the value and beauty of the coral reefs. Thanks for your post.


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