Climate Solutions: The Paris Climate Agreement

Climate change has been a growing global issue that has worsened over recent decades due to extreme human interventions. Detrimental climate impacts due to accumulative human activity are currently in effect, including frequent droughts, wildfires, heatwaves, rainfall, and hurricanes all of heightened severity. These causes are predicted to intensify without a global initiative to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and soon. However, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) adopted the Paris Climate Agreement in December 2015; a treaty that legally binds participating international countries in cooperative efforts to meet climate goals. 

The Paris Climate Agreement evaluates international greenhouse gas emissions to develop necessary climate implementations. The continual rise of unsustainable industrialization has contributed to massive amounts of greenhouse gases, requiring a 43% decline in emissions by 2030 and limiting global warming to 2.7°F (1.5°C) above pre-industrial levels. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates that crossing the 2.7°F temperature threshold risks increasing detrimental environmental impacts. 

The Paris Climate Agreement relies on science to transform economic and social sectors and develop plans to tackle the climate crisis. It works on a five-year cycle, with each country expected to submit a national climate action plan, known as a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), every five years. These climate actions include solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or efforts to build resilience to adapt to rising temperatures. This cycle enables the participating countries to take responsibility for their individual emissions and encourage international communications, ultimately contributing to global climate restoration. Developments contain sustainable alternatives that impact all areas of mitigation, adaptation, and finance – an example being a call on governments to make a quicker transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The Paris Agreement also invites countries to submit non-mandatory formulations of long-term strategies. 

Cooperation between the involved countries is crucial to enact substantial impact. A provided framework by the Paris Climate Agreement offers financial, technological, and capacity-building support to those who need it. Additionally, the established
Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), starting in 2024, requires countries to report climate action transparency of their progress in climate change mitigation, adaptation measures, and incoming and outgoing support. The ETF tracks the overall progress and provides international procedures upon a review of submitted reports. This information feeds into the Global Stocktake which will assess the collective progress across all countries and their contributions toward long-term climate goals; leading to recommendations for more ambitious future projects. 

The Paris Climate Agreement has shown achievements since its entry to reach the main goal of mitigating and reducing climate change impacts. Additional low-carbon solutions and new markets have been created to encourage essential climate action and developmental projects. A growing number of countries, cities, and regions worldwide are establishing goals to obtain climate neutrality, with zero-carbon solutions becoming more competitive across economic sectors representing 25% of emissions. This statistic is mostly influenced by power and transportation efforts and has formed new business opportunities. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) predicts this trend could be competitive in sectors representing 70% of global emissions through zero-carbon emissions by 2030. 

The Paris Climate Agreement offers hope for tackling climate change by encouraging global cooperation. It brings countries together with a shared goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the challenges of a warming planet. By promoting innovation, policy changes, and sustainable practices, the agreement shows that meaningful progress is possible through collective action. It emphasizes both the urgency of the issue and the power of unity in building a sustainable future.


  1. I like that you are writing about the Paris Climate Agreement, especially with everything going on in the world, and with the recent election, with Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris Agreement again. Im glad that they are having more requirements to release their carbon emissions so we can all mitigate these effects together.

  2. It is a good subject to bring up due to the USA just pulling out of it. The agreement will only mitigate the damages of greenhouse gases and we need to agree to harsher laws on greenhouse gases.

  3. This was such a wonderful summary, I like how you pulled in previous achievements of the agreement and talked about the NDC. Coming together to discuss action plans is so important.
    Global cooperation seems like common sense, and it is sad to think that not everyone can see how important the Paris Climate Agreement can be to promoting overall damage mitigation due to climate change. Zero carbon solutions these days are not a mysterious occurrence, countries can and should be embracing everything they can do in order to get started.

  4. I was shocked to see how much of the world has signed the Paris Agreement, your graphic displaying this was perfect! I could not see any other countries withdrawing besides the US. This goes to show how radical this decision may be.

  5. It's interesting to see how the agreement not only tackles current issues, but also sets a framework for long-term strategies like the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). Do you believe the 43% emission reduction by 2030 is achievable?

  6. it makes me truly sad to see the U.S just pull out of the Paris agreement especially since the U.S should be something you can take pride in and to set an example but recently it feels like there is a lot more work to do rather than example setting.

  7. This is a great topic to cover given the current circumstances with the U.S. pulling out of the agreement. I am curious to see what comes of regulations on greenhouse gasses without the agreement.

  8. It is so sad and scary to realize how much Trump has caused in damages from the few single days he has taken office. He has already pulled out of several agreements and green acts that would otherwise work to protect the environment. He has already stated that he plans to release out of several other policies

  9. I've got to say, all this time that I have heard about the Paris Climate Agreement, I never truly knew what all was involved. The cynical side of me thought it was just bureaucratic back-patting with no real change. But it is refreshing to learn all the different measures and programs employed.

  10. I read a few different blogs regarding the Paris Climate Agreement, I have learned so much about it that I didn't know before. I really like how well you went into detail about how it works and its purpose.

  11. Now that we are pulling out of the Paris agreement it seems as if we are doomed. Too much can happen in the next four years that may plunge us into such a dark pit we cannot crawl our way out. You are right, the Paris agreement offers hope, hope that we need in a time like this.

  12. This is a helpful explanation of the Paris Climate Agreement. I had some previous knowledge about the act, but this is certainly the first time I've heard of the “global stocktake”. But I am more than surprised to learn that the United States is one of the five countries to not sign. I hope there are enough extra efforts available to override the U.S. resignation.

  13. The Paris Climate Agreement is an amazing topic to post about, considering our current president just withdrew us from it once again. I knew the general idea of the agreement but had no idea about the ETF, which promotes transparency and unity among countries. Learning about these smaller procedures in this agreement made me realize how important it is to create unity among countries to combat climate change.

  14. It's sickening how little the current administration has about our well being. They'd throw the future and well being of millions of people under the bus for a quick buck.

  15. Thank you for writing about this. Personally, I am uninformed about what The Paris Agreement actually is and this post has really helped me. I wonder what ways that we can help with this idea. It sucks that with our current presidential administration it seems like the government does not care about the environment and has chosen not to be a part of this agreement.

  16. Thank you for sharing more about the Paris Agreement, I feel this has really been a big facilitator in my knowledge and understanding of this pressing topic

  17. I really liked the graphic you included on the status of the Paris Agreement around the world, it was really surprising to me! I had no idea that so many countries were part of it and seeing that has given me more hope for global efforts to mitigate the climate crisis. That being said, it is very embarrassing and frustrating to see that the US is one of the only countries withdrawing/not participating and it makes me wonder how anyone can think that withdrawing is a good idea.

  18. This treaty is a crucial step towards addressing the global issue of climate change by legally binding countries to cooperative efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  19. This was a great post, and I am so glad you added the description of the Paris agreement. I've heard a lot about it but never really understood what it was or what it was for. When looking at the photo of all the places that registered with this agreement, I was really disappointed. Clearly if the entire earth can agree on something, there is no reason why we shouldn't go along with everyone else.

  20. The Paris Agreement was an important step, and so many commentators are correct to be concerned about the US withdrawing. The agreement was VOLUNTARY and countries MADE THEIR OWN ASSESSMENTS and the GOALS WERE TOO LOW so it is less than satisfactory. There are mechanisms to ratchet up the expectations, but it's not happening. The world needs high and hard requirements, independent assessment, and more effort to help the poorest countries.

  21. This step was so essential, as the Paris Climate Agreement represents a crucial step toward global cooperation in addressing climate change, setting ambitious goals for reducing emissions and promoting sustainable practices. By fostering accountability, innovation, and collective action, it provides a roadmap for mitigating climate impacts and achieving a more sustainable future.

  22. Great post! You explain the Paris Climate Agreement so well—it really shows how global cooperation is key to tackling climate change. I love the focus on innovation and sustainability!

    Are there any major challenges countries face in meeting their climate goals? And how can individuals support these efforts? Would love to hear your thoughts!

  23. I found your description of the Paris agreement to be very comprehensive, I have been wanting to learn more about this agreement and I thought that this blog post was a wonderful and helpful resource. Additionally I was intrigued to learn about the ETF, and I am eager to see what reports will look like in the next decade


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