Climate Solutions to Reduce Textile Industry Emissions


The textile industry has experienced exponential growth in recent times whilst utilizing unsustainable production methods contributing to alarming levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Recent estimations report that the fashion industry accounts for around a tenth of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  Fast fashion, overconsumption, and trend following are all factors in this increasing rate throughout the production chain and disposal, proposing a dire need for substantial carbon reduction. However, promising solutions are emerging to implement sustainable manufacturing of textiles; including emission accountability, enhanced reuse of existing textiles and material recycling, and transitioning to renewable energy sources.  

Current Actions to Address Climate Change

  1. Reusing and recycling textile and apparel materials work hand-in-hand to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in textile production processes. Existing businesses implementing apparel reuse by reselling existing garments include well-known websites such as eBay, Poshmark, and Depop; and traditional vintage and thrift shops. The main benefits of this model include greater circularity and waste reduction. A circular economic model in the promotion of purchasing second-hand textiles limits the demand for virgin fiber production; increasing bio-based fibers from consistent material recycling. However, increased consumerism of second-hand textiles is required for significant emission reduction. 

  2. Mitigating the amount of waste and materials used in the manufacturing processes of textiles and garments requires regulated surveillance to ensure sustainable outcomes. Reporting accountability for emissions per textile mill is a popular regulation that effectively encourages climate transparency. As a result, precise decision-making for individual companies depends on their emissions to implement sustainable production such as textile reuse and recycling. For example, the FABRIC Act, the Fashion Accountability and Building Real Institutional Change Act, was introduced in May 2022 to regulate climate integrity in the U.S., encouraging emission reporting and restructuring to ethical production standards. The FABRIC Act is yet to be passed through the Senate and House of Representatives; although its incentives and those similar guarantee greenhouse gas reduction in the textile industry. 

  3. A significant factor in textile manufacturing requires intensive energy use, contributing to detrimental carbon emissions within the industry. Transitioning to renewable energy sources in substitution of fossil fuel dependency would make considerable reductions to overall emissions and climate change effects. Promotions for textile company investments in renewable energy are currently in effect, including implementing wind and solar power. The global initiative, RE100, created by The Climate Group urges fashion businesses to transition to 100% renewable energy. Popular brands such as H&M, Nike, and Burberry are examples of approximately 300 influential companies to follow this initiative. Ensuring the integrity of the companies vowing to this initiative requires rigorous tracking through regular progress reports of the companies' purchases and electricity use. Overall, this climate solution provides effective emission management and the global desire to switch to sustainable energy alternatives. 

Evaluating Proposed Solutions

Understanding the effectiveness of solutions to reduce climate change effects within the textile industry requires fundamental participation to recognize the resulting impacts. Evaluating current actions proves a decreased use of fossil fuels; and as an industry that contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions progressive effectiveness is guaranteed. Additionally, increased climate accountability allows for accurate evaluations of emissions in the textile sector, applying a realistic perspective on how to efficiently combat climate change effects. Lastly, a gradual transition to manage the overall energy use of textile mills promotes company benefits including cutting costs and a positive environmental return. 


In conclusion, the textile industry holds a significant responsibility and opportunity to mitigate its environmental impact. Current practices have contributed to substantial greenhouse gas emissions, innovative solutions like material reuse, recycling, renewable energy adoption, and climate accountability offer effective alternatives. These efforts reduce emissions while creating a foundation for a more sustainable and circular economy. As consumers, businesses, and policymakers work together to implement these changes, the industry can transition toward practices that benefit the environment while driving long-term economic and social gains. As a large industry and contributor toward total greenhouse gas emissions, constructive solutions promise a crucial step to reversing destructive climate change effects.


  1. I really like the textiles are working towards mitigating environmental impacts, where if we reduce the fossil fuels that we use and if we end up using less energy on these textiles could help us be more sustaibalbe and reduce climate change. The thing is we need textiles and always do, but I enjoy how you explained how there is a plan to reduce the textile industry emissions.

  2. Great post. This is such an important topic currently as fast fashion and overconsumption is a worldwide issue, especially here in America. I like how your post outlines several strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the textile industry, including material recycling. I wonder how individual consumers (like us) can influence this shift towards sustainability?

  3. I really liked this post. It gets you thinking about the fact that people tend to be consumed with the desire to fit in and be trendy. People buy new clothing to stay in style but don't always recognize that they are contributing to the unreasonable pollution being produced by these industries. Not only that but clothing from a lot of these less expensive and convenient stores is extremely low quality which causes people to buy more of it more often.

  4. Great job you hit this thing right on the nose. I think the use of recycling and how beneficial that could be for our world later down the road. One suggestion I would make is before you publish the blog is to make all the text clearer to read.

  5. This post is super cool! Reusing textiles and switching to renewable energy are awesome solutions. But I’m curious: How can we get more people to buy second-hand stuff and support this model? I hope policies like the FABRIC Act get passed soon!

  6. This post introduced me to the idea of a "circular economy" I had never heard of that before! It's really interesting getting to learn about different business models rather than just straight consumerism. The topic of textiles always makes me think about the rise of Temu which just makes my stomach drop.

  7. This post is really revealing of information that isn't always publicized. I think next time changing some of the font color and adding more images would bring out the information better. Fast fashion and child labor are dominating discussion ideas on social media these days and I worry about the continued abuse of cheap labor once outsourced abroad. Luckily renewable energy sources, recycling, and reusing clothing can make a large dent in the horrific cycle of waste the clothing industry participates in. I believe everyone should have climate accountability in their corporations.

  8. Well written and explained! I think it is devastating to think of how many brands are using child labor and conditions that are unbearable for their workers. Not only that but all of the pollution you described. I see these rich and famous creators doing their Shien or Temu hauls that add up to $500 and it makes me sick to think 99% of that will be wasted and thrown away. You added a lot of great detail like the Fabric Act, among others that stand for hope.

  9. I wonder if thrifting and upcycling could be an impactful solution. I know it helps but I wonder the numeric impact it has on the issue. The textile industry is huge and we see overconsumption everywhere in media today which is disappointing.

  10. I like how your post looked at ways to help with climate change by reusing and recycling textiles. mitigating the amount of waste used in manufacturing. are both great ideas

  11. Hey Rosey,
    I really liked how you concluded your post by emphasizing that consumers, businesses, and policy-makers should all be working collaboratively to reduce waste and address the climate crisis. I think that people often forget that as consumers sometimes the most powerful tool we have to make a difference is our money and what we choose to consumer. Being a conscious consumer by researching company's, in this case clothing brands, and trying to avoid ones that have a reputation for fast fashion as well as rewarding companies that are putting in the work is a great step in reducing out individual impact. I know that personally shopping is a really fun and destressing activity for me so only purchasing things for necessity just isn't in the cards for me at the moment. Although, I try to limit myself to buying almost completely from thrift or secondhand shops and donating regularly as well to reduce my impact.

  12. This is such a great post! Textiles have never been something that I've understood or known much about but the way you addressed everything was so easy to read. I enjoyed your three main points about reducing the harmful effects from producing these textiles because you came up with three great and reasonable suggestions.

  13. I had not idea that fashion accounts for 10% of the greenhouse gases globally! This industry is much larger than I thought and I think including the circular economy in fashion is a great way for society to recycle and evolve.

  14. I agree with so many of your commenters that this is a rich post. I especially like the way you identify legislation that could make a difference. I wonder how we in this class might be able to support the passage of the FABRIC act?


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